About Me

You made it to this site so you must know my name but just in case – I’m Ryan Arsenault. I’ve spent the majority of my career in the IT industry implementing mission critical applications – most recently 15 years of building out and running an SAP platform. I currently work for Pure Storage in a role that I absolutely love – helping customers of SAP reduce their platforms complexity and increasing its TCO. Yes – I work for a storage company but my passion is applications and the software that makes Pure Storage the fastest growing tech company in years has a unique way of helping SAP customers as well.

When I’m not talking to customers about SAP, I’m chasing around three very active kids. Matthew, who is 18, has started college aiming for a data analytics degree. ($!) and is officially better at soccer and video games then me. And the twins, Connor and Emma, who are 11 and in sixth grade. Both are also better at soccer and video games then me. And last, but in no way least, my wife of 21 years Amanda – the rock of the family. I 100% married up.

In my spare time you can find me on the golf course, on a mountain or sitting by the pool with a cold hoppy beverage. Born and raised just outside Boston (Go Celts, Pats, Sox and Bruins!) I settled in Westminster, Massachusetts in a house my kids would never let me sell.

If you have any questions be sure to contact me through Twitter!